Wednesday 29 January 2014

Data Privacy Day !

09:04 Posted by Unknown No comments
Being an entrepreneur, the trait of loving risks and taking action is something that you're born with. However, this post is not about risks - but taking action !
On 29th January 2014, I received an email from Mozilla asking all Mozillians to help raise awareness and promote data privacy education. In honor of this day, Mozilla pulled together a number of opportunities for Mozillians to get involved and earn a Privacy Action-Taker Badge - just in-case anyone thinks that doing good isn't much a reward itself ... :)

My start-up 404-Solutions is currently incubated in Plan9 - Pakistan's largest Tech Incubator, so along with Mehmood Ali (CTO - 404 Solutions), I planned a little activity to help spread awareness about Data Privacy among fellow incubated start-ups. We went to each one of the start-ups individually and educated them about Data Privacy by explaining the six privacy principles that stem from the Mozilla Manifesto and demonstrating the use of Firefox Add-on Lightbeam that how it enables us to track the trackers! Moreover, we had a fresh copy of Firefox (for windows and Mac) which we installed in the machines of those people who were not ready to compromise on their data privacy.

In the pictures below, Farhan Ahmed from the start-up is installing a copy of Firefox on his personal laptop. Also, he recently became a Firefox Student Ambassador.

Next, we have One Step Solutions - already Firefox enthusiasts, enjoying the Lightbeam demo.

Start-ups Baby Planet and also showed keen interest in the topic under discussion and installed fresh copies of Firefox on their machines

The most interesting discussion took place with Court Piece (RUNG) - A game studio reviving traditional and popular games of the sub-continent. They even declared their support for Firefox and installed fresh copies on their machines.

This is how I took action and (rightfully) claimed the Privacy Action-Taker Badge. Mozilla Open Badges is not proprietary. It’s free software and an open technical standard any organization can use to create, issue and verify digital badges. You can collect badges from multiple sources, online and off, into a single backpack. Then display your skills and achievements on social networking profiles, job sites, websites and more.To earn Mozilla Open Badges, visit the following link and follow the instructions. Chao !

Sunday 26 January 2014

Firefox OS App Development Workshop @ Code for Pakistan

00:01 Posted by Unknown , , , No comments
On 25th January 2014, Fawad from Mozilla Pakistan was invited to present a talk on Firefox OS App development at the Code for Pakistan event held at LUMS. Mozilla, being one of the sponsors of the event, made arrangements for me and Mehmood Ali to attend this session, thanks to Sheba (event organizer) for obliging our request on such a short notice. The talk on Firefox OS App development was highly informative and very well presented ! It started with Fawad explaining about Mozilla and it's mission - to keep the web open and accessible for all, followed by an introduction of Firefox OS. Next, the target market of Firefox OS was discussed that how the next billion people who don't have smartphones have created a niche for affordable replacement for featured and low-end smartphones. The talk concluded with Fawad explaining the tools required to start Firefox OS app development, the different types of apps, and the use of different APIs (Contacts API, Battery API, Geo-location API, etc). The participants at Code for Pakistan were very excited to learn about Mozilla and it's mission. The talk was followed by a Q and A session and after that people had some hands-on with the Keon (developer preview device). We (me and Mehmood) were really excited to meet Fawad as it was our first (un)official meetup. We had detailed discussions over lunch regarding Firefox OS, open web technologies, and our local Mozilla community. A day well spent ! :)